
Eusebius ~ Bishop of Caesarea by the Sea

"Then they shall be exalted when they shall reign with their own king according to the apostle who said, "For the first fruits is Christ, then those who are Christ's in his parousia, then the end, when he shall deliver the kingdom to his God and Father, when he shall destroy all authority and power.“

(#9) Eusebius, Commentary on Isaiah, Bk. 2, Sect. 58 — In the season of the end, God shall bring them to the city of God, even the heavenly Jerusalem, and prosper them with this supreme boon, when he shall take them up like he did with Elijah, carrying them  upon angelic chariots, bathing them in  heavenly light . . . in regard to the sense, the lofted journey through the air signifies the carrying [of the church] into the heavens, which being interpreted more wisely the divine apostle said, 'we shall be seized in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air, and so we shall always be with the LORD.' So they shall enter into the heavenly city. So all Gentiles who have been saved shall come into the heavenly Jerusalem.

As all perished then except those gathered with Noah in the ark, so also at his coming, the ungodly in the season of apostasy … shall perish … while … according to the pattern of Noah … all the righteous and godly are to be separated from the ungodly and gathered into the heavenly ark of God. For in this way [comes the time] when not even one righteous man will be found any more among mankind. And when all the ungodly have been made atheists by the antichrist, and the whole world is overcome by apostasy, the wrath of God shall come upon the ungodly.  FRAGMENTS IN LUKE, LUKE 17:26 ff